VINYL FEVER is a registered trademark of HomeWorthy LLC. At HomeWorthy, we aim to provide you with an excellent shopping experience and superior record sleeves that you will love! We believe in preserving your collection with complete fidelity, and our archival quality products will lead you to do just that!
But who are WE? We’re just a regular couple that loves music! In fact, one of us grew up on a LOT of music. That happens when you grow up with dad who is a music professor, and you naturally attend a (seemingly) bajillion concerts throughout your childhood. Car rides as a child were spent playing “name that instrument” or “name that composer”, and no movie was truly over until we read the music credits. So…yeah…we like music. And we love old stuff. Combine those two loves—and vinyl fits like a glove! And our sleeves do, too! 😉
If you have any questions about our products, or if would like to check the availability of an item, please use the “Contact Us” page to reach out to us!